Train up a child in the way he should go;   
even when he is old he will not depart from it.   
    -Proverbs 22:6

教 養 孩 童 , 使 他 走 當 行 的 道 , 就 是 到 老 他 也 不 偏 離 。

                                         箴 言 22:6


Village School Project 鄉村學校計劃

What is the Village School Project (VSP)?

The VSP is a partnership between ECG and CIM Canada in providing a school for children in the northern rural regions of Ghana.  The purpose of the VSP is to ensure the children are receiving an education that can improve their quality of life and choices.  As a Christian school, we nurture the children spiritually, training them in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Depending on the STM team’s expertise and choice of trip, some of the STMs are dedicated to helping the VSP. If you would like to specifically help Village Schools on your STM, please contact us.

什麼是鄉村學校計劃   (VSP)?

VSP 是 ECG 和 CIM Canada 之間的合作事工之一,旨在為迦納北部農村地區的兒童提供學校教育。 VSP 目的是確保孩子們接受教育,藉此改善他們將來的生活質素和選擇。作為一所基督教學校,我們在靈命上教養孩童,教導他們從小認識主耶穌基督。 



Why the VSP?

The village schools began upon the request from the community to the local church, the Evangelical Church of Ghana (ECG).  Seeing that many children were "wandering in the bushes," as the locals would describe it, the church and the rest of the community gathered to start these schools.  This is very much the story for each of the three schools that we are currently supporting. 

In 2010, Chinese International Missions (CIM) Canada continued their five-year partnership with ECG by joining their Village School Project (VSP).  With teachers selected from the community by ECG, CIM is working to share their stories with others, to send people to Ghana to lead programs and workshops for the students and teachers, and to send various resources to the schools to help with learning.  In all that we do, our hope and desire is to live out our faith: demonstrating the love of Christ in our words and deeds, and sharing the greatest and only gift that is lasting and has eternal value — the Good News.

為什麼是 VSP? 

鄉村學校是應社區向當地迦納福音派教會 (ECG) 提出的要求而開辦的。ECG迦納福音派教會看到許多孩子們像當地人所說的 “在灌木叢中游盪”,教會和社區的人意識到需要,聚在一起相討,就開辦了這些學校。這就是我們目前支持的三所學校的故事。 

2010 年,加拿大國際華人宣教協會 (CIM) 通過加入他們的鄉村學校計劃 (VSP);我們與 ECG 續了五年合作關係。 CIM 通過由 ECG 從社區中挑選教師,而CIM努力地向村民分享他們的見證故事,派人到迦納為學生和教師們開設多種工作坊和研討會,並向學校發送各種資源以幫助他們學習。在我們所做的一切,希望和願望是活出我們的信仰:就是在言行中展示基督的愛,分享最偉大而獨一的,能持久並有永恆價值的禮物 - 好福音。

What do we do in the village schools?

Depending on your group, here are some ways that members can play a part in the village schools:            

  • Organize and lead camps/workshops for the children (Vacation Bible School, Sports Camp, Art Camp)

  • Meet with the youth and facilitate discipleship groups

  • Provide workshops for the teachers

  • Visit the students' parents and provide community workshops
    (e.g. addressing health issues, parenting ideas)

  • Share testimonies

Many activities outlined on the STM overview page will also be done in conjunction with helping with the VSP.






•探訪學生家長並提供社區工作坊 (例如解答健康問題、育兒理念) 




How can I contribute to the VSP?

Please consider adopting a village school or joining the next missions team.

